Tostones Chaat
Toasted Spice Marinade

Toasted Spice Marinade

  I’m sure you all know by now that I love summer and love BBQ’ing. I feel like people assume BBQ’s are only meant for hamburgers, hotdogs, and meat, but little do they know that BBQ’ed veggies taste amazing in the summer. I’m always trying to come up with new marinades, so this time for …

Jerk Spiced Tofu Kebobs

Jerk Spiced Tofu Kebobs

As seen on PETA! If you keep up with my blog, then you’ll know that I went to Jamaica recently. This was my second time there and my second time falling in love with delicious jerk-spiced food. Although this time around I did not eat meat (I originally went to Jamaica in 2008 prior to my vegetarian conversion), …

Welcome to Jamaica Mon!

Welcome to Jamaica Mon!

I officially think I’m still a college student. Why? Well, I don’t know, maybe because I go on vacation during college spring break time, but I don’t have any sort of break from work? Yup, that’s me! I definitely have a good reason though. Well, I lied I don’t have a good reason. I just …