5 Ingredient Mango Shake (Vegan)

5 Ingredient Mango Shake (Vegan)

I’m having a moment with mangoes. I’m going to be honest and this statement is going to be controversial, but as an Indian person, I know it’s kind of within my genes to be obsessed with mangoes, but I’m like, medium about them. I know, I know. I’m not really obsessed. I have my moments …

Belmont Beet ‘Lassi’

Belmont Beet ‘Lassi’

These juices are so versatile! What juices you ask? Lumi Juice of course! Did you see there’s a dedicated section for me on their site?! I love their product – drinking it straight and cooking with it! This week I created something deliciously Indian with their Belmont Beet juice. Belmont Beet has a very refreshing …