Roasted Pumpkin Soup with Cilantro & Crispy Sage

Roasted Pumpkin Soup with Cilantro & Crispy Sage

It’s autumn. It’s cold. It’s actually not my favorite time of the year. However, I do like the seasonal fruits and vegetables around this time- pumpkin being one of my favorites. They’re not just for carving and lighting up or in some obnoxious cases throwing at people or things. I’ve been wanting to make a …

Sprinkles Cupcakes- Yay or Nay?

Sprinkles Cupcakes- Yay or Nay?

If you’re a foodie or a cupcake connoisseur, then you’ve definitely heard of Sprinkles Cupcakes. If you haven’t then you’re a poser- aka you’re not a true foodie or cupcake lover. Why do I say this? Sprinkles Cupcakes is considered the first (solely) cupcake bakery in the world and is originated in California. I had …

Happy 2nd Anniversary to Chef Priyanka!! Also… Rosemary, Potato and Red Onion Quinoa

Happy 2nd Anniversary to Chef Priyanka!! Also… Rosemary, Potato and Red Onion Quinoa

 Yesterday September 23rd, 2012 marks the 2nd year since I’ve started Chef Priyanka- already!! I feel old. But over these past 2 years I’ve generated more than 120 recipes- pretty crazy huh? I wish I had time to create more and cook more, but I make do with the time I have! So I would …

Spinach-Jalapeno Walnut Pesto

Spinach-Jalapeno Walnut Pesto

Sometimes I like to step away from traditional recipes and cooking. Wait, who am I kidding!? That’s pretty much what I do majority of the time. My mom recently bought me some groceries (yesss wonderful feeling) and one of the items I had requested was some baby spinach. When I came home from work one …

Restaurant Review: SHO by Shaun Hergatt

Restaurant Review: SHO by Shaun Hergatt

Have you guys ever heard of Savored? It’s actually a really cool website that allows you to make reservations at fancy restaurants with up to 30-40% automatically taken off of your bill! It’s an awesome way for foodies to dine like the rich, but not have to pay like one! It’s also great for young …

Indian Potato “Chips”

Indian Potato “Chips”

Ok you’re probably thinking this recipe is going to be some fried potato goodness topped with Indian spices. Well, its not haha (even though that sounds really yummy). If you forgot or have just joined me, my blog is full of healthy recipes that you shouldn’t feel bad about eating! Therefore, nothing is fried in …

My Wonderful Vacation in St. Maarten & St. Barts!

My Wonderful Vacation in St. Maarten & St. Barts!

My family and I had planned on visiting Panama City, Panama this year. We were all really excited, as we had not been to Central America before. However, due to some last minute complications we ended up not going there.. and by last minute I mean literally at the airport right before our plane was …

Salted Dulce de Leche Chocolate Cupcakes

Salted Dulce de Leche Chocolate Cupcakes

First off I would like to say- Sorry for being so MIA! I’ve had an extremely hectic Christmas and New Year’s weekend, and I would rather NOT go into detail about it. However, right before the holiday weeks I did prepare an awesome dessert that I’m sure you guys will love. I LOVEEEE Starbucks Salted …

Pumpkin & Butternut Squash Lasagna with a Roasted Garlic-Sage Cream Sauce

Pumpkin & Butternut Squash Lasagna with a Roasted Garlic-Sage Cream Sauce

When I think of winter and snow, I think of snuggling up in my fleece pajamas and fuzzy socks and watching tv (and doing absolutely nothing else). But, ya gotta eat dinner, right? When I think of winter in terms of food, I think about all of the wintery vegetables- squash, pumpkin, cabbage, onion, potato, …

Sauteed Indian Okra with Spicy Onion, Bell Pepper & Cumin & Homemade Masala

Sauteed Indian Okra with Spicy Onion, Bell Pepper & Cumin & Homemade Masala

I feel like okra (or ladyfingers) is a really underrated vegetable. I also feel like okra is primarily used in the south (in gumbo, fried up, etc), but not so much in the northeast. I almost feel like people don’t really know what to do with okra. Okra is extremely versatile. There are SO many …