Vegan Rajas Con Crema

Vegan Rajas Con Crema

I’ve had so many delicious versions of Rajas con Crema around NYC and in Mexico. Obviously, some better than others. But the basic concept of the dish I love – sizzling hot peppers in a creamy sauce served sizzling hot in a cast iron skillet…then scooped up and eaten with warm tortillas. I mean, how …

Whole Roasted Cauliflower with Turmeric, Fennel Seed, & Dates

Whole Roasted Cauliflower with Turmeric, Fennel Seed, & Dates

Honestly, this doesn’t need a fancy intro. You like cauliflower, I like cauliflower. We’re all screaming for… CAULIFLOWER. But! This ain’t no any old cauliflower rice or cauliflower wings. This is a Whole Roasted Cauli baby (yes I refer to my vegetables as babies. Back off), with a pretty unique marinade. And I recommend starting …

Whipped Lemon Frosted Boxed Cake

Whipped Lemon Frosted Boxed Cake

You have no idea. I have been SEARCHING for a boxed cake mix that is palm oil free, FOREVER. You’re probably already aware of my obsession with cutting out palm oil from my diet (and attempting to get others to as well). I’ve cut out palm oil for 2+ years for environmental reasons. Don’t make …