Toasted Spice Marinade

Toasted Spice Marinade

  I’m sure you all know by now that I love summer and love BBQ’ing. I feel like people assume BBQ’s are only meant for hamburgers, hotdogs, and meat, but little do they know that BBQ’ed veggies taste amazing in the summer. I’m always trying to come up with new marinades, so this time for …

Restaurant Review: SD26

Restaurant Review: SD26

I haven’t written a restaurant review in some time now, but I figured this would be a good opportunity, as it’s the last week of NYC Restaurant Week! I’ve been wanting to go to SD26 for a while now – I’ve heard great things and I always love to try new restaurants whenever I get …

Meatless Monday: Rose Cream Filled Chocolate Ganache Cupcakes

Meatless Monday: Rose Cream Filled Chocolate Ganache Cupcakes

Have you ever been to Crumbs Bakery? Have you ever eaten a stuffed cupcake? Do you like having surprises in your desserts? Well if you answered yes to at least one of the three questions, then you’re going to love these cupcakes. We recently had a large holiday party at our home and you guessed …

My First Mixology Class!

My First Mixology Class!

Last week I attended my first mixology class! I was fortunate enough to be taken out by eBay for a work event. I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited about a work event! I’ve been dying to go to a mixology class, but they were all either (1) too expensive, (2) I didn’t know …

Eggplant & Zucchini Caponata

Eggplant & Zucchini Caponata

Growing up in Staten Island, has allowed me to become accustomed to delicious Italian food. When you go to an Italian restaurant, you’re not only guaranteed bread here, but in most cases your bread is accompanied by a delicious eggplant caponata. It’s a medley of fresh eggplant slowly cooked down with capers, olives, onions and …

Restaurant Review: Bantam Bagels

Restaurant Review: Bantam Bagels

This is not one of my traditional Restaurant Review posts, because I’ve actually never been here! Bantam Bagels – have you heard of it? I’ve eaten their food enough to know exactly how I feel about it, thus this review is warranted. My company so kindly provides us with breakfast 1-2 times a week, and …

Restaurant Review: Candle 79

Restaurant Review: Candle 79

Last week was my birthday- yes, I am officially old and officially a quarter of a century old. We can keep this information on the DL though. I’ve been wanting to go to a restaurant in the Upper East Side called Candle 79. It’s been given some pretty good reviews and highly rated by creditable …

Restaurant Review: SHO by Shaun Hergatt

Restaurant Review: SHO by Shaun Hergatt

Have you guys ever heard of Savored? It’s actually a really cool website that allows you to make reservations at fancy restaurants with up to 30-40% automatically taken off of your bill! It’s an awesome way for foodies to dine like the rich, but not have to pay like one! It’s also great for young …

Restaurant Review: Richard Sandoval’s Zengo

Restaurant Review: Richard Sandoval’s Zengo

* Before you continue reading, do not judge my pictures in this post. I forgot to take my beloved Sony G-Lens camera, so all of the pictures were taken via my iPhone 4S (they didn’t come out THAT bad!) I haven’t written a Restaurant Review in a while, not because I’m lazy but because I’m …

Restaurant Review: Fresco by Scotto

Restaurant Review: Fresco by Scotto

(Image from Grub Street NY) I haven’t written a restaurant review in a while because I’ve been pretty busy with work and haven’t gotten a chance to wine and dine. But, last week for my birthday my family treated me to a yummy dinner. It was my choice (as it is every year haha), and …