Superfood Twice Baked Potatoes
What it’s like to have your day-time TV debut on the TODAY show during a pandemic.
Tostones Chaat
Tamarillo Marmalade (Tree Tomato Jam)

Tamarillo Marmalade (Tree Tomato Jam)

You saw my first recipe on tamarillos…right?? Well you better have! I explain everything I learned and know about tree tomatoes. But, in a nutshell, they are weird and fabulous. Thank you to Tropical Fruit Box for helping me experience my first tamarillo!!! As I was doing more research on them, I saw that there …

Watermelon Ceviche

Watermelon Ceviche

I have to admit – I’ve never actually eaten ceviche before. BUT, I’ve been to enough Latin American restaurants and seen my middle sister eat it enough (she lives in Miami) to have a sense of what it might taste like. It always looked like a cross between an Indian koshumbri (Kannada for cold side …

Watermelon Rose Daquiri

Watermelon Rose Daquiri

Everything has changed for us this year – some for the better, some for the worse. The one thing that has been a challenge for many, including myself, is the lack of travel. If you have the opportunity and are privileged enough to live a life where you can freely travel, then you likely understand …

5 Best Things to Eat in Mexico City [CDMX]!

5 Best Things to Eat in Mexico City [CDMX]!

Mexico City or CDMX is a hot spot now! Every other weekend, I know someone new visiting there! Why? My assumption is the proximity to America, frequent & direct flights, short flight time, favorable USD to Peso conversion, and most importantly a potential, disastrous and silly looming wall to be built [rolls eyes]. I visited …

Roasted Cauliflower with Spicy Kiwi Glaze

Roasted Cauliflower with Spicy Kiwi Glaze

You all know by now that I LOVE supporting local – local produce, local products, local people – you name it! It makes me feel a sense of community and I also get to know many of these folks on a personal level. I especially love local creative food products like Trade St. Jam Co! …