Eco-Cooking: Episode 6 Chickpea Water Chocolate Mousse

Eco-Cooking: Episode 6 Chickpea Water Chocolate Mousse

Dessert is always on my mind. In the morning, in the evening and anytime in between. I cannot deny my enormous sweet tooth, but I can be better about what I consume – not only for myself, but for the environment. You didn’t thinking I was swaying away from My Ecokitchen series, did you?! Nahhhhhh. We’re …

Lemon Yogurt Loaf (Vegan Copycat)

Lemon Yogurt Loaf (Vegan Copycat)

I have many MANY pet peeves (shocking, I know, because I just seem so calm, relaxed and easy going HA!). But there is one food-related pet peeve of mine that just REALLY gets to me – when recipes and TV shows say “let’s make a CLASSIC!” A classic? A classic in who’s house?! America is …

Vegan Rose Lassi

Vegan Rose Lassi

Ok, so that ridiculous hallmark holiday is over right? Thank god. Can we go back to loving each other normally without odd grandiose expressions of love? And can we go back to enjoy rose flavored delicacies without it having to be a special occasion? Yes? Ok, great! Let me introduce you to my Vegan Rose …

Vegan Mango Lassi

Vegan Mango Lassi

Ever just crave a lassi, but don’t want all the dairy, fat and ya know, feeling that you’re harming animals in any way by drinking this? Let me introduce you to my healthy-ish vegan mango lassi! Why “healthy-ish”? Because mangoes still have a lot of carbs and sugars, so they’re not a quote-on-quote healthy fruit. …

Vegan Grilled Cheese with Tikka Masala Dipping Sauce

Vegan Grilled Cheese with Tikka Masala Dipping Sauce

Drop that Grilled Cheese & Tomato Sauce because there is a hotter, sassier, AND browner girl in town. Yes, I have done the unthinkable but dreamt about – Grilled Cheese with Tikka Masala Dip – 100% vegan!!! Ok y’all likely know my sentiments on Tikka Masala (Chicken Tikka Masala) by now – it is NOT …